Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The SV Times - Gnu Gnus Daily

News in the City
by Connor Frio

Our big story is that Backlot Studios are having problems financing their latest productions.

An executive who refused to be named said, "Yes, we have yet to produce a movie that earned money at the boxoffice but we are sure that at least one of our films in production will break that curse."

Local businessman Jack Harkness isn't so positive. "Look, we know that film making is a risky business. And the Business Centre gladly loaned them the money so they could afford some big names to come make movies. But at this point, it's just throwing good money after bad. They said the last time that they were about to make a break through and yet they failed. They need to make good on some of their outstanding debt. Which they have no signs of doing."

"Mr Harkness, do you think there is any chance of them making a hit movie."

"In theory, they should have had at least 3 successful movies. But their zombie action flick came out just a month after 'They ate brains' which was a huge smash. At the last minute, their star pulled out of the chick flick. It was a decent romance but just not that great. And their thriller went way way over budget."

"So your conclusion?"

"They have to wrap up one of their almost completed movies and hope this one works. Or it's time to close the studio for good."

The mayor, prime instigator of getting Backlot Studios to set up in the city, has refused to comment on the issue.

In other news, a promotion for Mr Jebediah Kane means even the toughest cop in the state would think twice before trying to even give him a traffic ticket. Congratulations, Mr Kane.

Our new Staff
by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

The staff of the SV Times would like to welcome two new casual staff to our ranks.

Miss Cassie Cooper will be reporting on the local party scene. Local bars, dance joints and maybe she'll even attend your big event, if you ask her nicely. Want to know what's hot and what's not? Check in with Cassie and see. Miss Cooper has only just moved to town so be sure to say hi when you see her.

Mr Alex Camden has successfully applied to be our Dear Alex columnist. Do you have a problem? Noisy neighborhood, romance gone bad, kids out of control? Write Alex, he'll have an answer for you. Alex, wife Michele and daughter Suzanne also just moved to the city.

Relationships in the city
by Star Matlock

Miss Cooper has had a very warm welcome to Sunset Valley from another of our newer residents, Mr Jericho Seastrider. The two had a midnight rendezvous at one of the local lakes.

Travis Kane is still sweet on Tomeka Wolff. So much so that he is risking a ride home in a police car by visiting his sweetheart at one in the morning. While true love should be willing to take risks, riding home with the police might be taking one too many.


  1. Nice to see this blog hoppin again. Welcome to the new columnists!

  2. Hopping, well, only if there keep being some posts.

    BTW - the field is still open for new casual reporters and if you want to write for any of our regular staff.

  3. D'aawww, how cute. :3 The new staffer is quite adorable, methinks!

    Haha, I like the bit about Backlot Studios--I imagine having the movie industry moving into your town would be a bit of a debaucle.. But, it means more work for the jobless masses, right? ;D Good thing the economy is never a problem in the sims!

    Hahaha... Grats on your promotion, Jebby-poo. <3

    Jericho Seastrider--my my, that's an interesting looking one... Is he a berry sim, PiB? He looks quite blue! Hard to tell in that pic.

    Ah man, I can't believe Travis is still a teen in that game. O.o That is so. Weird!

    Glad to see this bouncing back up a bit! Welcome to the new columnists, too--maybe I'll write something for ya at some point, but I really need to get back on top of DS before I start taking on anything else. ;D

  4. Hey Kaleeko,

    Cassie is quite cute. Alex probably is too but it was dark when they moved into town.

    I imagine that a studio would look like a fantastic thing but if their movies don't do well...which so far, they have a problem.

    Quite frankly, in this town the Kane family are downright media wh***s. Cause Jeb got promoted, Mere was ghost hunting again, Travis was off flirting and Brad was at the Bistro. Sheesh, they want a page to themselves.

    You haven't seen Jericho yet? Oh my, he's not a Berry, he's a different breed of Sim. You can find out more http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/930/391986.page on the forum page.

    Travis and Brad still teens - no little sister. It is very odd but Kanes and my blogs == weird city at this point.

    No pressure about contributing. If you find you have a need to post some articles, I'll put you up as a co-writer. If it's just a one off, email. :)


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