Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The SV Times - We Piece Gnus Together for You

Special Report
by Conner Frio

Using information gained by a variety of sources, our top cops went to the Warehouse to investigate the activities reported. Benjamin Lee and his partner Phillip Grant had a few words with Mr Jebidiah Kane.

Mr Kane denied all knowledge of illegal activity on the premises.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The SV Times - When The Gnus Breaks, We Find Glue

Special Report
by Conner Frio

Dark clouds hovered over the part of the city last night. Early theories about the clouds included; alien invasion, a mechanical mix up at the Science Lab, some sort of nefarious scheme by the Warehouse gang and simply extremely localized weather.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The SV Times - the Newest Gnus - All the Time

Special Edition - Investigating the Warehouse
by Star Matlock
Star: Louie, I hear you have a job in the Warehouse?
Louie: Just a driver. I move the car or van from point A to point B.

Star: What does your husband Rick Shawn think of your job?
Louie: Why should it worry him? I'm just a driver.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The SV Times - We bring Gnus to Yous

People around town
by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Continuing our special feature on the politicians in town.
Cyclone: Angelo, how do you feel about your career prospects?
Angelo: Not good, seriously. There are so many of us in politics and so few places at the top. I'm the local representative so I can do a lot of good for folks in the area.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The SV Times - Only the Freshest Gnus

People around town
by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Our new special feature will be a focus on the politicians in town. First we visit a member of a founding family.
Cyclone: Mr Landgraab, we understand you went into politics to spite your mother.
Malcolm: Not spite as such but she would have preferred me to take over the business empire she built. I just have no interest in following her career path.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The SV Times - The Gnus when You Need It

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Today we continue our feature on the music community. Our first interview is with Mick and Linda Lessen.
Cyclone: Mick, how do you feel about the local music scene?
Mick: It's pretty active, between the rock concerts and the orchestra.

Cyclone: And you play?
Mick: It's all Rock and Roll to me.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The SV Times - Freshest Gnus Gathered Daily

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Our new feature is on the musical community in the Valley.

Cyclone: Good evening Mr Marsh.
Jon: Good evening Cyclone.

Cyclone: So would you like to tell me about your position in the music world?
Jon: Well, I've been slowly making my way up in the business for a long time. I'm finally a permanent member of the orchestra, I have conducting and composing music firmly in my sight.

Cyclone: I understand the hours are a bit strange?
Jon: Well, the main performance is always in the evening, so it's a late night and a late start to the day.

Cyclone: And about your family?
Jon: Ah, That's not going so well. My wife, Alicia kicked me out of the house and out of her life. She just suddenly snapped and said she couldn't stand the groupies nor my Casanova ways.

Cyclone: Alicia, we hear that you've recently divorced Jon?
Alicia: Well, Caroline is growing up quickly and I don't want her to see the constant parade of women vying for Jon's attention.

Cyclone: Our next interviewee is Mortimer Landgraab-Goth, local talent scout.
Mortimer: Hi Cyclone.

Cyclone: So, is the life of a talent scout stressful?
Mortimer: Not really. I get to travel around town, watching for performances in the parks. See who's getting the crowds.

Cyclone: Is that it?
Mortimer: I also sit in on guitar lessons. Some people have the gift from the moment they touch the instrument.

Cyclone: Care to tell me about your family?
Mortimer: I have a lovely wife Mindi, and a son Seth. You should know Mindi, she's another journo.

Cyclone: I hear that you and Mindi have paid for a big renovation in Goth Manor?
Mortimer: Yes, my dad and his dad all claimed that the gloomy nursery helped build character. I think that's rubbish, it just builds nightmares.

Cyclone: Was it costly?
Mortimer: It certainly wasn't cheap but our son has a nice room with colourful toys and paintings. Not a dull grey room.

Seth Landgraab-Goth

Fashions today

by Star Matlock
Apparently one of our models needs extra persuasion to perform today. The situation is being handled by an expert.

And here they are
Meredith is sporting the latest in peasant fashion, Charmed. Her hair today is by Vicki.

Jeb is showing some frilly flair with a Bardly Shirt. His hair today is by Eric.

Social Scene

by Autumn Portobella

Latest news from the Sw0rd home is that baby Nicole was born today.

The parents are exhausted and very happy with their new daughter.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The SV Times - A World of Gnus for You

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Today we present the promised feature on the military men and women that keep our city safe.

Cyclone: Ollie Mayweather, can you tell me about your military career?
Ollie: Don't distract me. I have a pregnant husband and two toddlers all depending on me. I need to ... damn it, lost my train of thought ... get out!

Cyclone: Evan Rose-McPherson, can you tell me about a career in the military?
Evan: Cyclone, my little Christina needs me to teach her to talk and I only have this weekend to do it. Go away.

Cyclone: Umm, no. No point trying to interview Tatianna Solez when she's in that mood. Holly Alto has already had a rough time from Tatianna.

Cyclone: Kaylynn Langerak. Kaylynn? Kaylynn? Damn, she's too busy working on Hank.

Cyclone: Marquis Pierce, do you have time to talk to us today about the military?
Marquis: Certainly, Cyclone, what would you like to chat about?

Cyclone: I was beginning to think that none of you would talk to me today.
Marquis: Our jobs are high stress. We tend to take the weekends pretty seriously as play time and family time.

Cyclone: High stress? But what do you do?
Marquis: Mostly drill so we are ready if there is any emergency. Lives could be at stake so we have to take it all quite seriously.

Cyclone: Care to tell me about your family?
Marquis: I have an adorable wife Susie. And two children, our toddler son Joey and ...

Marquis: Patsy, our teenage daughter.

Cyclone: Obligatory threat?
Marquis: Hell, yeah, don't break my girl's heart or you'll be space walking sans suit.

Fashions today

by Star Matlock

Jeb Kane is sporting the latest in runway fashions, Riot Jacket and Bunchy Style Jeans. Hair design by Marko.

Meredith is looking like the business in her 5th Avenue Suit. The hair was done by Elise.

Jeb: Meredith, why the hell did I let you talk me into this?
Mere: Shh, dear. It will make me very happy and I promised your reward.

Social Scene

by Autumn Portobella

MJ Rose-McPherson held a political fund raising party that everyone who is anyone in town attended. The guests had a great time at the party and MJ raised more than 12,000 toward her next campaign. With that sort of capital, we expect MJ to have an easy victory next election day.

Expectant parents Cyclone and Trina Sword were sharing sweet dreams of a bundle of joy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The SV Times - New Gnus Daily

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Today we continue our feature on the medical profession. We catch up with Morgana Wolff on her day off.
Q: Morgana, could you spare us a moment?
A: Just let me finish up here. Jeb needs to know how important I am.

Q: What kind of guy wears a full black outfit during the day to the swimming pool anyway?
A: One who needs to know the importance of doctors.

Q: So tell us about yourself Morgana?
A: Well, I am one of the team at the hospital. It's a good and important job but it's not what I hold dear in life.

Q: What do you hold dear?
A: My family. They are the most important people in the world.

Q: I understand you have quite a large family?
A: One husband and 5 children. Three boys and 2 girls.  Most people might think that's a bit on the large side. But I love kids, I want more.

Q: But I thought that the medicine career was very taxing. How can you balance family and work?
A: I spend as much time as I can at home with family. To the point of usually needing some extra sleep in the ready room every time I'm at work.

Q: I hear that the oldest boy is engaged?
A: Yes, our son Jerald proposed to his boyfriend - Jerod Alto. Nick Alto is going to spit chips when he learns his boy wants to be a Wolff and leave the Alto name behind.

Q: Teenagers can get engaged?
A: Apparently so.

Q: And the others?
A: Our teenage girl has a boyfriend but she hasn't brought him home yet. Our other teenage son seems to be interested in Nadine Hunter-Bodette.  The youngest two are still in elementary school, and they both need to study harder.

Q: Thank you very much for your time. Our next feature will be on our brave military folk.

The Social Scene

By Autumn Portobella

Jerald and Jerod quietly married the other evening and then set up a new home for themselves. The boys declared themselves to be men after the wedding. Quiet birthday celebrations for both of them ensued.

Destiny Landgraab had a birthday, much to the delight of Malcolm and Bella.

Cyclone Sword has married Trina Cartwright. They are expecting their first baby soon.

Finally Maxwell Han proposed to his girlfriend Carolina North.  Carolina had to keep her eyes from popping out at the size of the engagement ring.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The SV Times - We Find Gnus You Want to Read

People around town
by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

We move to our newest people feature, Medicine and today we talk to Jerod Hunter-Bodette.

Q: Good afternoon Jerod.
A: [Yawn] Is it afternoon? Or night? Or what? I've been on call for three days, I've completely lost track.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The SV Times - Our Gnus Hits Home

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Today is our final feature on members of the Llamas, Ms AJ Anderson.

Q: AJ, you are by far the oldest team member. Why haven't you retired yet?
A: I love the game and my team members. It was hard to think about retiring while I was still the MVP.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The SV Times - We hunt Gnus for Yous

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Today we feature Sunset Valley's top athlete, Mr Leighton Sekemoto. He is a true superstar and the heart of our team.

Q: Mr Sekemoto, thank you for agreeing to talk to us at your lovely home today.
A: Not a problem, Cycl0n3. I know fans of the team have been asking for interviews.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The SV Times - Local Gnus Means the World to Us

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

One of our top athletes, Mr Christian Montgomery.

Q: Christian, how does it feel to be the most valuable player?
A: It's good. Not where I'd like to be in life but really good.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The SV Times - We have the Freshest Gnus

Special report

By Cycl0n3 Sw0rd
We return to talk to Benjamin Lee, who has just reached the top of the law enforcement ladder as an International Super Spy.

Q: Ben, how does it feel to reach the top of your profession?
A: Wonderful, I love the work and this is the goal I've always wanted to reach.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The SV Times - All Gnus, All the Time

People around town

by Cycl0n3 Sw0rd

Today, our focus is on the Science Lab. There our resident geeks try to improve our lives with their discoveries and inventions.

We have four of the five scientists ready to talk to us today.

Q: Mr Jamison Nevada, what's your roll in the science lab?
A: Still fairly low, I'm in charge of the tours. You wouldn't believe how popular the Test Chamber part of the tour is.

Q: Mr Andrea Carter, what's your roll?
A: Right now? I'm still the main test subject. I can hardly wait for a promotion or two so I'm not the local lab rat.

Q: Rachel Grant, I understand that you and Macy Lee are the main scientists in the lab?
A: Correct, right now, I do most of the genetic research. We've discovered a way to combine genetics from any two Sims to produce a child.

Q: I believe that Ollie and Jack Harkness were clients?
A: Yes, their babies came from the lab. The couple was very happy to receive their babies too. You ever get a hug and kiss from Jack? Unforgettable. I can understand why his side business does so well.

Q: Macy Lee, what is your current role at the lab? And your husband said something about experimenting on one of your own children?
A: We recently were given a time machine to work with. I've been focussed on researching its possibilities. I had set it to take me back just a couple of years in age. I didn't notice that Ralph had followed me to the test chamber and came with me. A couple of years younger for an adult isn't a big deal. But at that age, well, suddenly Ralph was our youngest child.

Q: Did you think about reversing it?
A: We don't know enough. I might have made him our oldest son if I tried.

Society News

AJ Anderson Landgraab's long reign as the Llama's most valuable player has ended. Last night, after a stunning performance in the game, Christian Montgomery has claimed the title. We tried to get a few words from Christian but he is always training in the gym or with his family.

Mr Cycl0n3 Sw0rd has been seen getting friendly with one of his new housemates, Ms Tatianna Solez.

Neither Cycl0n3 nor Tatianna were available to comment at this time.