Saturday, December 18, 2010

The SV Times - When The Gnus Breaks, We Find Glue

Special Report
by Conner Frio

Dark clouds hovered over the part of the city last night. Early theories about the clouds included; alien invasion, a mechanical mix up at the Science Lab, some sort of nefarious scheme by the Warehouse gang and simply extremely localized weather.

Special agents Ben Lee and Phillip Grant were dispatched to the scene. They returned to headquarters white and shaken. Phillip managed to stammer out the single word "Ggggghosts" before he and Ben left for the local watering hole. This reporter learned that our special agents eventually had to take taxis home when their frantic wives finally managed to contact them.

The local ghost hunter, Meredith Kane was called to the scene. The ghostly infestation was centered around the local business center.

A few hours later, Meredith returned to headquarters, the ghosts having been dispatched in a timely manner.

The only quote this reporter could get was "Just a normal night, you'd be surprised at the level of hauntings this town faces."

The Night Life
by Star Matlock

Our hot spot last night was The Red Rendezvous.

Local legend Jon Marsh decided to hold a spontaneous concert for the crowd. His set lasted 2 1/2 hours and included all the favorites that Sunset Valley citizens have learned to love.

He attracted a large crowd of local listeners. Some have since become fans of Jon's music.

"His music has inspired me to paint more," Morgana Wolff exclaimed.

"We need to invest in our local theatre," declared Geoffrey Landgraab.

"Can we buy a CD? The music has a good influence on Carolina," said Maxwell Han.

The Social Scene
by Autumn Portobella

The Leman family were spotted together in the gym. Tywla watched on as her oldest child Courtney and husband Thomas put some real effort into their workouts.

At the Sw0rd residence, a party was in full swing. Many of the local journalists gathered with Cyc0n3 and his family.

 To watch baby Nicole grow up.

 Nicole's proud daddy barely left his child out of sight all afternoon.

 And well into the evening. The party attendees had a splendid time. Now the parents have some cleanup and some toddler taming to do.


  1. First time I've ever noticed a cloud hovering over the city and when I got close enough, well, I know the ghost hunting music rather well. It was a bit of a surprise to find the identity of the town's only ghost buster. I must do town view a bit more often after dark.

    I do not know why Cyclone and Trina's baby has 'children of the corn' hair. Brown + brown == blond? since when?

  2. HA! Hahahaha! Meredith Kane, a ghost hunter. You've *got* to be kidding me. She may not have the coward trait, but... She seriously may as well have.

    That is seriously too funny. If you manage to, I'd love to see a shot of her in the ghost busting uniform.

    Great post. :) I love the way you covered the special interest story, and the others were quite sweet. A 'concert' at the Rendezvous, and a little birthday party for Cyclone's baby girl. Big d'aawwww factor. Little baby makes newspaper! Hee.

  3. I switched households to see if it really was Meredith doing the ghost busting - which is how I found that Jon Marsh had a big crowd listening to him. Mere had just started the ghost busting so I switched again - and that was enough to end her job. Couldn't find her in the uniform but I'll give it another shot a different night.

    Baby makes newspaper cause daddy is journalist and half the journos in town went. You can see Star and Connor in different shots. And one of the other gals is a coworker - just no one we care about.

  4. I've only seen those clouds when I was playing a fire fighting sim but not at night.

    Love the R R scene. Looks like Carolina is more interested in the guy beside her. :D

    Awwww, Nicole is such a cute one.
    About the hair. Did any other sims live in the same house with them. I noticed once before that my sims kid ended up with the hair color of a roomie.

  5. I never noticed the clouds because I don't usually view the town from above much.

    Up until the moment that pic was taken, the townie paparazzi next to Carolina was wearing a hospital gown. She was probably thinking about telling him off for that. :)

    Ah, Carolina and Max lived with Cyclone and Nicole until just the other day. Nicole might have Carolina's hair then. Looks about right.

  6. I'm going to have to see if I can see those clouds too. When I saw them, my firefighter sim was called to the criminal warehouse because the criminals were trying to steal all the clouds.
    That is where the hair came from. The game got confused.
    Ahhh, and here I thought Carolina was thinking of doing wild stuff to him. :D

  7. Every once in a while a random genetic will hand out that children of the corn hair. Cyclone does look like a devoted daddy. *geek squeal*

    Meredith Kane, Ghostbuster! That's beyond awesome. Carolina looks great in that blue dress. It really is her color.

  8. I definitely need to go to town view a bit more often, that was very interesting to find the clouds. And the reason for them.

    Who knows exactly why Carolina was staring at the guy? Hopefully, if she's planning much of anything, she at least leaves sight of Max who is standing next to her. Poor townie Max, did you have any idea who you were marrying when you proposed to Carolina?

  9. Hey, Chrysame - I think you are right, Nicole's hair is just one of those random genetic things. Cyclone is a sweetie, both he and Trina want to teach the toddler to walk.

    I had previously known that Meredith was a ghost buster - I saw the outfit in the Kane unlocked stuff in their fashion spreads (damn, I'm going to miss getting sillier with those) - but you have to have some excuse to unveil the knowledge. I had kind of forgotten again until I investigated the clouds. Maybe though she tends to cowardly around living people, she rather likes the dead. :) Who knows, she got herself that career and she's level 3.

    Carolina has a very lovely exterior - the better to hide that black black heart.

  10. New poll up now! Vote while the booth is open

  11. It's lovely to see Cyclone becoming a father. I rarely saw him became one in my games.

    Love the first part of this update. I felt like reading a news report. "Children of the corn" hair? By the sound, it was supposed to be scary. But, Nicole is a cute little toddler.

  12. Hey MJ,

    It's the first time I've really had anything to do with Cyclone. Little geek is ok, once you get to know him.

    "Children of the Corn" - Chrysame once used the reference to a white-haired child in her game. I think it's a horror flick but I don't know it. It is odd to have a child with such light hair to dark haired parents.

  13. Children of the Corn was based on a Stephen King story and adapted into a series of horror flicks. Basically, the kids kill all the adults and fun ensues!

    If I were going to be really accurate, I'd compare the kids to Village of the Damned which features evil white haired children (really aliens) but Children of the Corn sounds better. *shrug*

  14. Thanks Chrysame, I thought that was the origin of Children of the Corn but wasn't positive. It's a great phrase which is why I used it.

    Oh my, I just checked some pics from Village of the Damned. If you could get Beau Merrick to have a child with white hair and his eyes, you have one of those kids. Freaky.


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