Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The SV Times - the Newest Gnus - All the Time

Special Edition - Investigating the Warehouse
by Star Matlock
Star: Louie, I hear you have a job in the Warehouse?
Louie: Just a driver. I move the car or van from point A to point B.

Star: What does your husband Rick Shawn think of your job?
Louie: Why should it worry him? I'm just a driver.

Star: Wyatt, I understand that you are also an employee of the Warehouse. So how many jobs do you pull off in a week? 
Wyatt: I don't understand what you mean. I'm a consignment specialist, I check that the boxes coming in and going out have the correct contents.

Star: But who owns the goods in those boxes?
Wyatt: Why should that be a concern of mine? I have the inventory. I check the inventory against the content in the boxes. I let the boss know if there are any problems with our shipments.

Star: Marta, how about your job?
Marta; I setup the banking arrangements we need.

Star: How often would banking arrangement be needed?
Marta: About once every four months, give or take. We have complex financial arrangements.

Star: Surely you don't need to specialise in that?
Marta: Honey, there's a lot of prep work before you enter into a banking establishment. It won't do to under prepare.

Star: Ripley, care to tell me about your job?
Ripley: I gain access to some of our consignments.

Star: Gain access?
Ripley: We don't take normal shipments, we like the special, harder to find items. It's my job to make it easy for the guys to pick it up once we find the goods we want to move.

Star: Carolina, would you like to tell me about your job?
Carolina: I sweet talk some of our more reluctant clients into giving us a better deal then they originally intended.

Star: How successful are you?
Carolina: With the guys, very. They don't think with their head when they come into my sphere.

Star: Jeb...
Jebidiah: That would be Mr Kane to you. You talked my wife into that fashion feature.

Star: All right, Mr Kane. What can you tell me about the warehouse?
Jebidiah: We are a perfectly legit import/export business. We have the ledgers from the day I started the business. I am the boss; the Mastermind, if you will, of the operation.

Star: Mr Kane, do you honestly expect me to believe that?
Jebidiah: [smirk] You won't ever be able to prove otherwise. We find goods at extremely reasonable prices in other towns then resell them here. Our latest shipment was hot tubs, you should be able to purchase them from the warehouse soon.

Star: What about the rumors that things go missing when your employees are around?
Jebidiah: A few of my people have a little problem. They are kleptos, they can't help but pick up odds and ends when no one is watching. We even keep a stack of small stuff; lights, curtains, even pencils sets around in the warehouse just so they can work on their problem.

Star: Mr Kane, if you tell me the truth, I swear you'll never hear about the fashion feature again.
Jebidiah: Tempting, very tempting.But did you honestly expect anyone to say that we are a bunch of thieves and swindlers?

Star: Well,yes?
Jebidiah: I will tell you that we work hard at preventing any of our competitors from using Sunset Valley as their export territory.
Oh, by the way, tell your boy to never set foot on the Warehouse property again. It is a very unsafe place for him to be. And pointless since he needs to be finding new employment - effective as of now.

The Social Scene
by Autumn Portabello

Overcrowding in our schools is hitting an all time high. Some of the children are complaining that they can't enter the building even if they want to.

The mayor has promised to look into the situation. "Let's keep this punks off the street...oh wait. I meant our children deserve the best education that the city can afford."

Note how many red heads. Ben and Macy have several in that group. Thomas Leman is responsible for a couple. And Travis Kane is there. Plus the pink hair from Zayne Hunter.


  1. Their actual job titles
    Louie Shawn is about to be promoted to getaway driver. That was Terrence's position but he'd be an idiot to go back at this point in time

    Marta and Wyatt are both bank robbers. She sets up the robbery, he's in charge of the money bags after the heist and will be held accountable if some goes missing.

    Ripley is a safecracker

    Carolina is a con artist

    And naturally Jeb is the Master Thief


    Awesome. Just awesome. I love the way you had them all describe their jobs. I think this is my favorite interview segment you've done yet, and it had absolutely nothing to do with Jeb being in it. That does help, though. ;)

    He doesn't look too bad with that haircut! Still weird for me to see, but, not bad!

    Looks like Jeb's got lots of capable hands working under him. Hehe. They seem to have quite the awesome operation going on.

    That last image of the school is awesome!! Haha! I used to have that happen a lot in one of my towns, but it's even more hilarious the way you present it in your "newspaper" fashion.

    There really are a lot of redheads in there. Awww, lookit widdle Twavis. Tee hee hee. Very cool.

  3. I laughed all the way through this. I love the descriptions they give of their job postitions.

    Wow, redheads everywhere.

    If I don't come back tonight, it's because I'm asleep.

  4. Thanks Kaleeko,

    I worked hard at the job descriptions that *sound* very innocent and yet accurately describe what they do at the Warehouse.

    I do like Jeb with that hair. He'll probably keep it even if he's officially done forever with the fashion feature. :)

    The school thing was amazing. I even reset the lot - hoping that when the kids came back it would work again. No such luck.

    Little Travis in this town (and there is an even littler Brad somewhere) but you'll see adult Travis again when Sammy next updates.

  5. Thanks Dee. Carolina and Wyatt do love what they do, even if they have to make it sound innocent enough.

  6. Well, you gotta make it sound innocent for a reporter! There's a few slip-ups *glares at Jeb!* but then again, if the Jeb in your game has as many ties with the cops as the Jeb in my game... It won't really matter that much, hehe. ;)

    I'm actually kind of surprised to see Wyatt as a criminal too, though I know I shouldn't be. It's just amusing, because it's all a ton of big-name Sims from Chrysame, Dee and I -- except for Louie, who I don't recognize. I have to say, the Criminal Warehouse looks like the place to be in PiB's SV!

    Also, I need to stop procrastinating. Almost done with my post for the night, but it's a loooong one and I'm having a hard time focusing. *grumble*

  7. Well, there had to be a hint or two that Star was right but they aren't about to say so out loud.

    Jeb is generally well liked around town. I'm not sure how much so by the cops but as long as he keeps the business over in *other* cities, they will be fine.

    Louie is a townie that married MJ's Rick Shawn. Rick was targetted once or twice by Jack Harkness and never seriously considered females after that.

    None of my Sims are crims. You, Chrysame and Dee have several working that career but none of mine do.

    ooooohhh new Kaleeko post. Hurray.

  8. Hehehe. Good on Jack Harness. ;) Louie is pretty cute, though. Though I have to say... His outfit sure doesn't scream 'criminal'. Either it's a disguise to mask his 'evilness' or he's one very bizarre getaway driver.

    lol, Yeah, the three of us have enough criminals/kleptos/evil sims to paint a town a few times over, it seems. I wasn't too surprised when most of them joined the Crim career in my town -- it was Thomas that was the real shocker.

    Yeah, new post coming. It's a bit of a doozy. Long, and some hard topics... I think it'll be a pretty good one, though, once I get it finished!

  9. Wow, very interesting headlines and such a great idea, PiB.

  10. @MJ, thanks for popping by. Hope you had fun reading.

    @Kaleeko, You gotta love Captain Jack and his effect on the gender preferences of everyone around him. I did think most of our criminal were looking quite innocent in their day-to-day clothes. Louie in particular.

    Agreed about Thomas. First time I've seen him join that career. In this SV, he's a cop and married to the now retired town burglar. He's been in science a few times.

  11. Surely, I had a great time reading this.
    @Kaleeko, I like Jeb's new appearance. He still looks tricky to me.

  12. Hey there, Jeb. He seems a little touchy about his fashion spreads.

    Wyatt looks dangerous and poor Ripley looks bored out of her mind.

    Ha ha, Captain Jack is at it again, flipping the guys like pancakes. Gotta love it.

  13. Jeb should be happy that he has a reason to halt the fashion spreads. I was going to slowly get the clothes up to as close to harlequin as I could over time. And slightly longer hair every time.

    I'm sure Ripley will be fine when Hugo gets home from his office job.

    Captain Jack changed Rick *way* back when he first hit the hood. As far as I've heard, he's still happy with Ollie and having the occasional gigolo night out. :)


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