Thursday, March 24, 2011

Family Bios from Sunset Valley - The Grant and Lee Families

Brief family bios of those Sims important enough in Sunset Valley to earn a regular spot in the local paper. Any Sim without a listed Sim origin is one of mine or born in this game. Any sim listed with Sim Origins was downloaded from the Exchange and the creator's forum name is displayed.

The Grant Family - Phillip, Rachel, Annabelle and Suzanne

Phillip Grant

Age: adult
Occupation: Law - currently International Superspy
Characteristics: Brave, Flirty, Clumsy, Photographer's Eye, Athletic
Brief biography: Phillip moved to Sunset Valley looking for love and adventure. He found love in the shape of Rachel Thorpe, though flirty Phillip has had the occasional lover. He found adventure in his profession, law enforcement has proven to be quite the challenge.

Rachel (Thorpe) Grant

Sim Origins - from Sue_d_nim
Age: adult
Occupation - Science - currently Genetic Resequencer
Characteristics: Brave, Genius, Perfectionist, Handy, Friendly
Brief biography: Although a friendly girl, Rachel was more at home in the science lab or at an inventing bench then anywhere else. That was until Phillip Grant noticed her. After a whirlwind romance, Rachel found herself happily in love and married. She has noticed Phillip's wandering eye but is content that he'll always come home to her. She still pursues her first love, science, with a passion.

Annabelle Grant

Daughter of Phillip and Rachel
Age: Teen
Characteristics: Brave, Absent-Minded, Athletic, Friendly
Brief biography: Annabelle may be brave and friendly but her recent change into the world of teen has been a stretch. Her first romance with Jeremiah Lee would normally be welcomed by the family; the Lee family are close friends. But Jeremiah may not be the best choice of boyfriends for Annabelle.

Suzanne Grant

Daughter of Phillip and Rachel
Age: toddler
Characteristics: Brave, Heavy sleeper
Brief biography: The youngest Grant shares the Brave trait. Who knows where this little cutie will want to go with her life.

The Lee Family - Benjamin, Macy, David, Jeremiah, Ralph

Benjamin Lee

Sim Origins - from selahfreeatlast
Age: adult
Occupation - Police - currently International Super Spy
Characteristics: Brave, Flirty, Neat, Athletic, Lucky
Brief biography: Ben wanted to be a cop from the first game of cops and robbers he ever played in the school yard. He finally made it to the upper most escutcheons of the service. He fell in love early with Macy Monroe and the top of them have worked hard at raising their three sons to be all they should be.

Macy (Monroe) Lee

Sim Origins - from Chrysame
Age: adult
Occupation - Science - currently Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker
Characteristics: Over-Emotional, Flirty, Loves the Outdoors, Genius, Green Thumb
Brief biography: Macy's love of the outdoors, and gardening made science a natural choice of career. Family life and her career has limited her social time, her best friend is her co-worker Rachel Grant.

David Lee

Son of Benjamin and Macy
Age: teen
Characteristics: Disciplined, Good, Heavy Sleeper, Mooch
Brief biography: David's life time wish is to be a Martial Arts Master. This could prove difficult in a town with no dojo. David's choices are to travel to China to learn the art, or find someone in town proficient enough to teach him. There is a rumor someone in town could train him but there have been some words said between his father and Jebidiah Kane.

Jeremiah Lee

Son of Benjamin and Macy
Age: teen
Characteristics: Slob, Brave, Couch Potato, Absent-Minded
Brief biography: His life time wish is to earn money as a writer. The family has been greatly concerned that Jeremiah has been seen hanging out with some of the local thugs. Ben and Macy hope that being in love with Annabelle Grant will convince their son to stay away from Jarod (Alto) Wolff.

Ralph Lee

Son of Benjamin and Macy
Age: teen
Characteristics: Brave, Loves the Outdoors, Can't Stand Art, Hopeless Romantic
Brief biography: Ralph's lifetime want is to be a great director. He is also a romantic at heart. His parents and their long marriage give him hopes of finding the perfect girl. He has recently started dating the lovely Joanna Hunter-Bodette whom he hopes will be the perfect girl.


  1. Please note the *two* polls. Vote please.

  2. Cool! Bios! :D *dance*

    Voted. ^^

  3. You did a great job with the bios. It's good to know more about each sims of the family.

    Reminds me that I have to made one also.

  4. Yes, this blog really really needs bios - cause even I have a hard time remember who is in the town and it gives me a chance to introduce all the offspring of the original Sims. There are a lot of teens and it won't be long in game time till there are a lot of new young adults.

    Gonna keep me out of trouble for some time writing these.

  5. Fantastic! I love bios. I feel like they not only help the readers get a handle on who's who, but they help the writer get more of a grip on their characters too! That's why I love doing them.

    That being said, I love all your characters! There's something interesting about all of them.


  6. In this blog, the readers definitely need a handle on who's who. I started with a fair number of Sims, and they've raised families, gotten jobs, etc for a long time.

    Hmm, haven't dropped your Pesces in yet. Should do that.

    Did you ever get around to reading the finale to Jerod's story?

  7. No! I didn't know it was up yet- must have been lost in my feed. I'm going to go read it now!


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