A new round with the same Sims but a few differences this time. I set the Sims up in homes, some of them start with housemates and some don't. I went around on day 1 and had most of the Sims take jobs plus sent them to a skill class or two. They were then to go somewhere that was likely to have other Sims to meet. This included the Sims I was adding to the neighborhood with no intention of putting in the rotation. I did have a lot of meeting, greeting and flirting these first few days just to set the neighborhood in motion.
Sims in the rotation: Zayne Hunter, Celia Pendragon, Sam Grant, Rebecca Smith, Jon Marsh, Grandpa Muleskinner, and Jerod Bodette.
Unfortunately, I left story progression off most of the first week so they weren't doing to much random stuff. It's back on and so things should get more interesting.
One final picture from the previous save. Usually in China, a Sim runs or uses a bicycle. But when Jon Lessen went to China...
After I had set up the households, I went back to my first one. I have Zayne, Sam and Celia sharing a house. I like Sims sharing a house, it means they definitely have a few acquaintances. So I found Zayne and Sam at the pool, which was packed with Sims.
I sent Sam over to the bistro to talk to some other Sims, I have no idea why they were all lined up in formation though. It's kind of funny that Jerod, Jon Marsh, Rebecca and Sam are all lined like that since they are all in the rotation.
Celia was off practicing guitar.
And then I realised Zayne was witnessing a major event. Alas poor Wyatt.
Back at home, Celia had let Christian Montgomery in. They chatted for just a moment then I had her flirt once. Once they started they went on

and on

Sam may have realised that he's already lost his chance with Celia. That was a very hot and heavy session for a first encounter.
Zayne is in the music career and I had her introduce herself to a lot of Sims that day. Plus flirt with any male in her path. Sam is in the athletic career and I've had him meet a fair few Sims. He's also flirted with a few girls including Celia.
Rebecca Smith is in the culinary career.

She also has a housemate, Auston.

They've also been sent around to meet, greet and get acquainted with some Sims.
Jon Marsh lives alone in a humble small house. That should help motivate him to get out and about. He's in the music career and has zipped up to level 5.
He needs a lot of guitar practice
And he has yet to learn that not ever woman will fall for his charms. Yvette Grisby must be very happily married.
Jerod Bodette is in a small house with Kathryn. I'm fond of him because he usually produces babies early in a neighborhood and he's always carrying a toddler around if he has one. He's with Kathryn since they tend to get together at some point. He's in the medicine career. I think Kathryn is a journalist.

But maybe not this time

He and Marta kept flirting with each other until they very nearly fell over from exhaustion.
Finally Grandpa and Teresa Muleskinner

They both wanted to join the military and Teresa wants a baby. They'll get what they want.