Monday, December 28, 2009

Time to reset this game

I've been trying not to, because I love the kids of Malcolm and AJ and those of Alicia and Jon Lessen. But twice in one morning, it glitched to the blue screen of death. I can play the Indiana Sam save for hours without any major problems.

I'll keep this save in case anyone wants to adopt one of the born in games to a different game. But I have to start over, this is just a bit ridiculous.

On the other hand, part of what was keeping me from playing too often was the idea that Grandpa Muleskinner, then Jon Lessen, then Malcolm Landgraab IV (my version) were due to meet Grimmy quite soon. A reset will keep that from happening.

Expect the new neighborhood before the end of the week. I'll probably set up with the usual suspects and dump many of the premades.


  1. Ok, will be watching for it. I know it's aggravating and frustrating and irritating.

  2. I'll be watching for this as well. Having to abandon a game you're enjoying is very frustrating.

  3. Wow, that's a bit rough. I just spent some time putting everyone around and giving most of them jobs.

    I come back to the combined household of Celia, Zayne and Sam. They had ended up at the Swimming pool when they finished the classes and jobs I sent them for at the start of the day.

    Suddenly Zayne is mourning? At about 6 pm on day 1, Wyatt Walker drowned. Come to think of it, a fatigued Sim is supposed to be able to drown naturally and Wyatt had been to an athletic class earlier in the day. So not even one day in and death stalks the game (literally, I got there so fast I got a pic of death.) Alas for me, no steaming looks from Wyatt in this game.

  4. Oh no! He and Zayne must have hooked up already. Wyatt!

  5. No, she was witnessing the death and all Sims nearby mourn if they see the reaper stalking someone. That pool was crowded and all of them were standing around watching the Reaper.

    Can't say I blame them, no one says death only takes one at a time.

  6. Oh, she was there! D'oh *smacks her forehead*. That's a dramatic turn on the first day, PiB.

  7. I wasn't nearly clear enough in my initial comment that Zayne was there watching.

    The other problem I have at the moment is I can't find Muleskinner. I don't know if I thought I'd put him in a house and failed or if he's already moved to a less crowded part of town. It's annoying since I don't want to add him and have clones if he is there somewhere.

  8. Oh Wyatt. You should have known when to get out of that pool.

    Things have started happening fast these days. You may want to give it a few days and see if Grandpa shows back up, if he hasn't moved in with someone else already. I spend a lot of time in edit town mode tryng to find everyone. Sometimes I'm not reading about things in the paper. I remember reading that Tomasi had moved, but thought it was the entire family until I discoved it was just Marta.

    I haven't had any deaths, yet, but am sure it's going to happen.

  9. Poor Wyatt. I had no idea that he'd be in danger from the pool, and it was a good meeting spot that first night.

    Before the updates or patches, I once read in the newspaper that the Landgraabs (SV) had moved away. As it turned out, Malcolm had moved away leaving Nancy and Geoffrey. They went on to have another child.

    As for Muleskinner, I've decided that I must not have put him in yet. So I did it again. He's younger and with spouse...just in case the neighborhood gets a bit insane with the gay population again.

    I have had my first natural couple form though neither are in the intended rotation. And Chrysame will like a couple of the pics, I'm sure.

  10. Hope your posting today so I can see the pics tonight when I get home.

    So far I haven't had any gay couples. I've been using the observant reward a lot rather than the ask if single. Some of them do that on their own. A long time ago I had Tamara Donner flirting with Tanya but Tamara flirted with everyone.

    I've also been giving out a lot of slack off at work rewards.

    LOL, those not in rotation refuse to be ignored.

  11. I was a bit surprised by the sheer numbers of gay guys, it never happened before and Sam does a lot of Ask if Single for each different Sam clone. I had lots of normal couples. I think this time, one early gay couple had a major flirt and he started hitting on the rest of the guys.

    Well, it's midnight here and I haven't started the post so it will be 8+ hours. But we have the week off work and so I can post first thing in the morning. This update + an infinite number of Indiana Sam's sons turn teen.

  12. Can't wait to see those new pics! I finally started my new Marta game. I had a friend ask Marta to move in so she did. That female friend popped the wish to kiss Marta. That was interesting. Not in the cards this time around but interesting.

    I don't know. It seems to me even the non-flirty sims are acting frisky. Also, I've noticed that the couples aren't always moving in together. Odd.

  13. Oh, no! Poor Wyatt.

    I've got so much catching up to do reading stories. My nephews got me Oblivion Game of the Year Edition for Christmas, and I've spent several hours playing it over the weekend and letting myself have a rest from the Sims. I've been simming nonstop for six months, and I don't dare let myself get burned out.

    I took some screenshots for PiB as promised, and I'm going to post them in a sec.

  14. My couples have been waiting a few days before they move in together sometimes. Then they seemed to stop, so I did it for them. Now they seem to be moving in together again. No one was getting jobs until I started getting them for some of them and then the rest of them found jobs.

    Nice to see you back Sue.


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